Elijah Desent


Elijah grew up in Rhode Island where his dad pastored for 35 years at Historic Baptist Church. The oldest boy in a family of 9 he grew up serving along side his dad as. right hand in the ministry. At the age of 5 in a Bank of America parking lot his mom was sharing the gospel with his sister and he stopped her and said that he wanted to receive the Lord as well.

When Elijah was 21 his mom said that she wanted to take one last trip together as a family because soon all the kids would start to get married. So they drove to Michigan to sing at a tent revival meeting at Highland Hills Baptist Church in Highland, MI where Elijah met his soon to be wife. Five months later he proposed and and exactly one year later they got married.

For 8 years Elijah served at New Beginning Baptist church under Pastor Jerry Boritzki as the Teen Leader and Music Director. Upon the announcement of Pastor Boritzki’s retirement God began to work in his heart changing his desire to Pastor.  After two years of searching for God’s will for their family.  Elijah was voted in as Pastor of Westview Baptist Church and is now serving the Lord in the place to which he was called.  We are looking forward to what God has in store for the Desent family and Westview Baptist Church.

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